A selection of resources that helped me move this site from WordPress to Astro.
- Astro Documentation
- Astro Starter Kit: Blog
- blog.otterlord.dev - Add searching to your Astro static site (using Pagefind)
- Bootstrap (utility classes for accessibility)
- Cloud Cannon - Creating an Astro Site: Beginners’ Tutorial by Rodney Johnson
- GitHub - aboutfeeds by Matt Webb (XSL stylesheet for feed)
- GitHub - humanwhocodes.com by Nicholas C. Zakas
- GitHub - Accessible Astro Starter by Mark Teekman
- GitHub - Astro Paper theme by Sat Naing
- GitHub - Simple Blog theme by Little Sticks
- GitHub - Sendit template for Astro by Cloud Cannon
- GitHub - thomasledoux.be by Thomas Ledoux
- Make WordPress Accessible - Frontend checks for web accessibility
- Pagefind Documentation and also Pagefind Documentation for prerelease versions
- Starlight – especially its Pagefind implementation
- Vercel - Documentation - Configuring projects with vercel.json
- Vercel - Documentation - Redirects